For Parents
Personalized 3-Day Intensive Program
This program may appeal to families
a) who live in remote/rural areas with limited access to specialized services,
b) whose child is not making adequate progress and needs diagnostic therapy and development of special strategies, or
c) whose child has additional disabilities

The program is customized to the needs of the specific child. However, it would typically include the following components:
1. Evaluation of the child’s current status
2. Diagnostic therapy to Identify problem areas
3. Parent training
4. Individual therapy with the child
5. Development of goals for the next six months
6. Parent training on implementing the above goals
7. Recommendation for educational programming
In a variant of this program, the child's current therapist (from the early intervention program, for example) can accompany the family. In addition to attending all the family sessions, the therapist will be given more technical instruction in separate, additional sessions.
Families enrolling in this program should plan on attending an Intensive every so often, at least once a year.
The option of having the program at the parents' location is available (within the U.S.).
Generally, tele-therapy will be used for follow-up services and periodic monitoring following an Intensive program. Using internet broadband video service, the family and, in some cases, the therapist will be assisted in reviewing ongoing therapy, planning and implementing goals, and troubleshooting.
Consultation and Evaluation
Parents may request a comprehensive evaluation to assess their child's progress in his/her current program. On the basis of the assessment, assistance with IFSP or IEP development, and recommendations for an effective spoken language program will be provided.